Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Ranger & the Professor

It seems everyone responds differently when you show them your resume or describe your background… particularly when you’ve moved overseas. However, if you ever want to see which elements of your story resonate most, just wait until they introduce you to others…

When Dano and I visited a microfinance organization in Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali, the president of the organization introduced us to a large gathering of employees. Sure, Dano and I have held many roles over the previous two decades (as indicated in our bio’s), but somehow the salient point highlighted from Dano’s background was the fact that he had been a U.S. Army Ranger. Of my prior experience, it was my role as Business Professor our host found most worth mentioning. This despite the fact we have come to Rwanda to do something very different from that anticipated by our training in academia or the army. Further, we hope to earn a reputation in Rwanda that departs from that typically associated with such credentials.

Our introduction underscored the difficulty we face in 'redefining ourselves' in ways we feel will be most beneficial to the clients we serve. It also illustrated what a unique pairing Dano and I are! As I returned to my seat, I scribbled a note in my journal and passed it to Dano: “The title of the book that tells our story: The Ranger and the Professor” … and we tried to stifle our amusement while our host continued to address the crowd.

Onward & Upward,

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