Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Volleyball Saved His Life

Robert Bayigamba is certainly one of the best friends Karisimbi Partners could have here in Rwanda. Initially, we were drawn to him because of his warm personality and capacity to appreciate what it is we have moved here to do. Over time, he has become a personal friend to each of us as well as one of our chief advisers, clients and advocates. His biography is truly amazing, spanning key leadership positions in sports, politics and the private sector. Current duties include Chairman of the Private Sector Federation (something like the “chamber of commerce” representing the business community in Rwanda) and Managing Director of Manumetal (one of the oldest furniture manufacturers in the country). It was months into our partnership, however, that we discovered Robert narrowly escaped death during the genocide. Since this week is a national holiday commemorating the genocide that took place 16 years ago, it seems appropriate to share Robert’s story with you.

As Roberts puts it “Volleyball saved my life”. On April 7th, 1994, Robert’s name was on the list of people the Hutu-led government had disseminated to vigilante mobs for extermination. After a grenade blew a hole into the compound where he lived, Robert found himself face-to-face with the Interahamwe militia, preparing to plead for his life and the lives of his wife and children in the house. Since Robert’s father was a Hutu of some prominence, it was surprising that Robert’s name was on the list at all. Since Robert was once in the zone occupied by the Tutsi-led rebel movement (where he organized a volleyball match with a team from the rebel forces), he was likely tagged a sympathizer and supporter of the Tutsi-led rebel army. Under the circumstances, he had little hope in reasoning with his attackers. Amazingly, one of the mob pointed at Robert and asked, “Aren’t you the captain of the Rwandan national volleyball team?” Indeed, this had been Robert’s initial claim to fame, as he acknowledged in affirmation. Robert told the man “God has sent you here to help me”. His fame as a sportsman, combined with the Hutu lineage printed on his identity card, was enough to convince the mob there must have been some mistake in placing him on the list of targeted individuals, and he and the family were able to stay out of sight for the next few weeks.

As the pace and scope of the killing increased, Robert determined to take his family outside Kigali (the capital city) toward the southern border. As they approached the border, the only way to travel in safety was with military escort. A friend of Robert’s promised to arrange a meeting with a high-ranking officer so that Robert could make the request himself. When the official stepped into the hotel room, he turned out to be one of the most prominent referees in the national volleyball league, and someone Robert knew well. As such, Robert and his family were allowed to proceed into Burundi and safety, on April 19th, the day before the tragedy entered its darkest period in the southern region. To this day, Robert feels a debt to the sport that gave him so much and contributed to saving his life.

Sixteen years later, every single Rwandan family has a personal story of the tragedy and loss of the genocide…many more devastating than that which the Bayigamba family felt. Some are traumatized as killers, others from ‘survivor’s guilt’, some that fled are only now returning to make a new start… this week attempts to remember, comfort and unify. Please join us in remembering this tragedy and celebrating the enduring spirit of the Rwandan people.

Onward and Upward,


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